Saturday, 5 May 2012

A Bed for McKenna

Today Mummy and I made a bed for McKenna.  We sewed a quilt, a pillow and made a little mattress for her.  It looks so comfy and I know that she will sleep well in it tonight.

Here is a picture of McKenna's bed.

Last night my whole family camped in our dining room.  Patrick and I slept in a cubby house that we made but Mummy and Daddy slept in the lounge room.  We all had mattresses but we were on the floor.  Mummy said that we can sleep there again tonight because we all slept well last night.  I am so excited that McKenna can sleep at the bottom of my bed in the cubby house that we made.
Do you think that she will sleep well in the bed that Mummy and I made for her?

1 comment:

  1. I love McKenna's bed Grace! It looks so cosy and warm. Does she sleep well in it?
    That must have been very exciting sleeping out in the dining room. You know I remember doing that when I was little. It's almost like going on a little holiday!
