Friday 13 April 2012


When I went to America I bought an American Girl Doll.  Her name is McKenna and I love her a lot.

Here are some pictures of us together...

This is when I bought her.  I got her at The American Girl Store in Manhattan, New York.

It was difficult to select which doll to buy.  I wanted a doll that looked like me.  I have light brown hair that is a little bit curly and I have blue eyes.  I saw two dolls that looked like me.  I saw McKenna and another doll called Marie-Grace.  In the end I selected McKenna because she had some extra clothes sets because she is the doll of the year.

It was such a happy day.  It was the best shop I have ever been into.

This is MY McKenna.  I couldn't wait to open the box.

My first cuddle with my precious girl.

Then Mummy and i went up to the third level of the store to have brunch together.  McKenna was given a special dolly hair chair so she could sit next to me.

I also got a sentence starter kit so Mummy and I could answer some questions about ourselves.  One question - What is you favourite outdoor game?

Here is McKenna in her high chair.

There was a lot of people in the restaurant/cafe.  We saw whole families sitting together.

I got a Shirley Temple.  I am not allowed a lot of soft drink so this was a BIG treat.

I ate some pancakes.  We;;, I didn't eat much because they were big and I wanted to play with McKenna.

 This is what I had for dessert.  Doesn't it look delicious?

I had such a fun day with McKenna and my Mummy.

This special place in the cafe has a lot of dolls in it, doesn't it?  I think this is where they all watch us sit and eat the delicious food.

This was the best day of my entire life.


  1. I love all your photos of Mckenna Grace!! That shop looks so wonderful - I think I would love to go there because I love dolls too. I still have my dolls from when I was your age!
    Mckenna is so pretty, just like you :)

  2. My mum Jane has her dolls too. When I visit my Nanny and Poppy in Sydney I play with mummy's dolls. They are old but I know that she loves them so I love them too. I also love reading my mums old books. She kept all of her favourites and we read them together.

    I miss you Juliet. You will always be my favourite teacher. I still have the photo album you gave me when Lucas was a baby. It is in my bedside table and I look at it. Mum said he is going to turn 3 soon. He is getting to be a big boy.

  3. That is very special that you get to play with mummy's dolls Grace, and so nice that you love them. Lucas likes reading some of my old books too. What is your favourite book?

    I miss you too Grace - I remember when you used to come to preschool early because mummy had to get to work and we used to draw and play with the little toys from my special cupboard! That was lots of fun :)

    Lucas is almost 3 - I can remember when you were 3!! Lucas has the special big story book that you chose for him when he was born in his special book basket next to his bed - it's one of his favourites :)

    Lots of love xox

  4. My favourite book are Rimina and Beezus and I love The Naughtiest Girl
    In the School. I am reading the Amelua Jane books now and they are funny.

    I remember going to ore school early. It was nice spending time with you and Glenice. I remember was in your tummy.
